Table 2.2

 Estimated burden of illness attributable to pandemic influenza over the entire pandemic based on a 25% clinical attack rate and illustrative case hopitalisation and case-fatality rates of 0.55% and 0.37% respectively

PopulationPeople with clinical symptoms/Health Care ContactsGP consultationsA&E presentationsMinimum excess hospitalisationsMinimum excess deaths
Health Care Contacts represent the equivalent of GP consultations outside the pandemic period. It is envisaged that individuals experiencing symptoms will be diverted away from GPs in a pandemic. General practitioner consultations represent the remaining contacts required to deal with complications and with young children (see text for explanation). Figures are rounded and represent work additional to normal background health service activity. (Figures in parentheses illustrate the range from 10% (lower limit) to 50% (upper limit) attack rates.)
Population of 1000250 (100–500)25 (10–50)13 (5–25)1 (0–3)1 (0–2)
Population of 100,00025,000 (10,000–50,000)2500 (1000–5000)1250 (500–2500)140 (50–300)90 (40–180)