Table 1

 Classification of human skeletal muscle fibres and distinctive functional or molecular properties of each fibre type

SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum.
    Myosin based classificationSlow or type 1Fast 2AFast 2X
    Classification based on metabolism and time courseSlow oxidative (SO)Fast oxidative (FOG)Fast glycolytic (FG)
    Classification based on fatigue resistanceSlow fatigue resistant (S)Fast fatigue resistant (FFR)Fast fatiguable (FF)
    Myosin isoforms1 or slowFast 2AFast 2X
    Maximum shortening velocitySlowFastVery fast
    Myofibrillar ATPase activityLowHighVery high
    Calcium uptake in the SRSlowFastFast
    Time course of the twitchSlowFastFast
    Resistance to fatigueHighIntermediateLow
    MetabolismOxidativeOxidative glycolyticGlycolytic