Table 5

Contribution of D genotype to cessation of smoking in logistic regression analysis

Independent factorχ2p valueOdds ratio95% CI
CI=confidence interval; LAA=low attenuation area score; CC=lifelong cigarette consumption; FEV1.0=forced expiratory volume in 1 second.
*p<0.05, **p<0.01.
Odds ratio and 95% CI correspond to having genotype D, aging every 10 years, 10 pack years increase in CC, one point increase in LAA scores, or 10% increase in %FEV1.0.
Genotype D9.41<0.01**0.360.19 to 0.69
Age (10 years)11.46<0.01**1.761.27 to 2.45
CC (10 pack years)0.480.490.970.88 to 1.06
Genotype D7.73<0.01**0.390.20 to 0.76
Age (10 years)7.29<0.01**1.591.14 to 2.23
CC (10 pack years)1.010.320.950.87 to 1.05
LAA6.71<0.01**1.081.02 to 1.15
Genotype D8.97<0.01**0.370.19 to 0.71
Age (10 years)7.93<0.01**1.641.16 to 2.32
CC (10 pack years)0.790.380.960.88 to 1.05
%FEV1.0 (10%)1.640.200.930.83 to 1.04