Table 4

Prognostic markers significantly associated with mortality in ICU admissions of HIV positive patients with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) requiring mechanical ventilation

HIV related PCP episodes studied (n)Period of studyPrognostic markers associated with ICU mortality*Reference
*Rows cannot be directly compared since studies considered different sets of variables. In most of the studies shown here a low CD4 cell count is taken to mean <200 cells/mm3.
**This study was limited to patients with CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 and on ICU with mechanical ventilation. Mortality varied significantly depending on CD4 counts: >100 cells/mm3, 25%; 51–100 cells/mm3, 50%; 11–50 cells/mm3, 88%; 0–10 cells/mm3, 100%.
1101989–94Respiratory status deterioration requiring delayed mechanical ventilation; mechanical ventilation for 5 days or more; nosocomial infection, pneumothorax 33
48*1993–96Low CD4 cell count within 2 weeks of admission** 40
1761990–99Low CD4 cell count; prior PCP prophylaxis, CMV in
BAL fluid, age, initial anti-PCP therapy
1551995–97Prior PCP prophylaxis 34
211993–98High APACHE II score >17, low serum albumin
<25 g/l, ARDS, low CD4 cell count <150 cells/mm3, arterial pH <7.35