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Occult lung cancer in patients with bullous emphysema.
  1. F Venuta,
  2. E A Rendina,
  3. E O Pescarmona,
  4. T De Giacomo,
  5. D Vizza,
  6. I Flaishman,
  7. C Ricci
  1. Department of Thoracic Surgery, University di Roma La Sapienza, Policlinico Umberto I, Italy.


    BACKGROUND: The incidence of lung cancer is increased in patients with bullous emphysema. METHODS: A series of 95 patients undergoing excision of bullous lung tissue was reviewed to determine the incidence and long term outcome of occult carcinoma present in the resected material. RESULTS: Four patients (4.2%) had peripheral foci of large cell carcinoma in the resection specimen (three bullectomies and one lobectomy). CONCLUSIONS: Resected bullous lung tissue should be carefully examined for areas of bronchogenic carcinoma. The results of incidental complete excision are favourable.

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